I am offering for sale a real repair manual for the Hasselblad "C" type lenses. If you have CF or CFi lenses, don't be scared away, as the "C" lenses are very similar.
This manual is not one of the so-called exploded view repair manuals offered by others, because the exploded view manuals are useless to most people. This manual is very easy to use and understand. It will save you hundreds of dollars in lens repairs. This booklet is an effort to save people money on their lens repairs, as well as all the time involved.
The repairs are really, very simple to do. In most cases, it is just a matter of putting some oil in the proper place, or a small adjustment here or there.
A repair manual such as this is available no other place in the world, as these are closely guarded secrets of the repair trade. The manual is illustrated with 17 photos and covers the following:
- The disassembly of the lens such that the slow speed gear train can be lubricated.
- How to replace the lens main spring.
- How to replace the flash sync.
- How to clean and re-lube the focus ring helicoids.
- How to clean oily shutter blades without taking the lens all apart.
- How to take care of a slow sticky shutter without taking the lens apart. (This is a WOW, neat trick! that I accidentally stumbled across a few years ago. :)
Please note that copies of this material are on file with the Library of Congress, and this is a copyrighted material. This material is not to be copied, or distributed in any way, fashion, or form.
The price of the Hasselblad lens repair manual is $49.99 + FREE SHIPPING to any USA or foreign location.
Please note that copies of this material are on file with the Library of Congress, and this is a copyrighted material. This material is not to be copied, or distributed in any way, fashion, or form.